
Showing posts from October, 2023

Water Damaged Shower Repairs

Do you have shower leakage that goes downstairs leading to either your main floor or basement? Read this blog to find out why the worn-out shower leaks downstairs. You are not alone, in fact, water damaged shower repairs are a billion-dollar industry. Have you ever wondered why water leakage occurs into a shower or why there is black mold inside the bottom portion of the shower year-round, dampness smell, small cracks into the grout joints, missing grout, tiles falling off the wall or even bugs crawling inside the shower? The first thing that comes to mind is the shower must be outdated. The real answer to that is very simple . The old school showers do not have any waterproofing whatsoever. These s howers have an outdated technology and believe it or not they are the number one selling shower in North America. These showers have been on the market for a very long time, which is the reason why they are so popular. The technology is far behind in comparison with the modern era showers

Water Damaged Old School Shower Repair

 Water Damaged Old School Shower Repair (most recent wet room conversion 100% waterproofed) This shower was leaking down to the basement to the point where the customer had to put a bucket underneath the drain to collect the water.